“I shouldn’t be here, I should be in non-Scripture” a Year 5 boy in my SRE (scripture) class told me this morning.
“That’s ok” I told him, “Scripture is for people who don’t believe in God too. It helps you understand about others and what they believe”. He nodded and packed up his things.
“See you next week then?”
I will have to wait a week to find out!
But really, “I shouldn’t be here”. There shouldn’t be the need for people to walk into our school and teach the Bible. God always intended for parents to raise their children in their love and knowledge of Him and His word. That’s what church is all about; encouraging us all to walk through life with God.
Yet sadly, for most children in the wider community, the only time they hear of Jesus is at school in SRE for half an hour a week. SRE is taught in our 6 local primary (K-Yr 6) schools and kicked off on Tuesday 26th February in Bangor, Tharrawal, Illawong, Menai, Alford’s point and Lucas Heights.
This is the vital ministry of ‘Introducing Jesus’ to the generation of children who are growing up without God. The common cry of the child in my SRE classes is ‘I want to go to church but my parents won’t take me’. For these children the SRE class is their ‘church’. Here they can freely ask their questions, pray without hindrance or embarrassment, read God’s word and be taught from it. It is in the classrooms that children can express their faith (or lack of it) and can take steps towards knowing Jesus and growing in their relationship with him.
The SRE ministry is a joint effort with the other Protestant churches in the 2234 post code and the need is great because, sadly so many parents don’t know God and so can’t introduce their children to Him. And while we introduce the children to him, it is the church’s role to introduce their parents to God at work, over the back yard fence, at their child’s sporting events and over a beer or a latte.
So we continue to be where we “shouldn’t be”; introducing people to Jesus so they can have transformed lives. Why do we need transforming? Because we are a broken people, not living as God intended us to live. We were born broken and far away from God from the moment we existed. The joy of introducing a child to Jesus means a life-long journey with Him; a life filled with purpose, love and forgiveness. There is no better way to live.
Despite what the media want us to think, Jesus is active and alive in Australia. He is active in the hearts and minds of his people and in the hearts and minds of children. It is Jesus who calls children “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these”. (Luke 18:16) and it is Jesus who sends, we just need to be listening.
You should be here! Don’t hinder your family or yourself for that matter in discovering God. Come and join us in church and be where you ‘should be’; with God’s people, under God’s headship and in His love, living as we were created to live.
“See you next week then?” I will have to wait a week to find out!