
Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Your Church Needs You

What's on my mind, you ask...

What's on my mind is 'Christians' who don't come to church.

Allow me to explain...

We're all busy - and sometimes things come up that prevent you from meeting with your brothers and sisters - that happens - as long as it's a rare occurrence - no foul.

I also get that sometimes - under fairly extraordinary circumstances - not being in church can be the only option for a few people. But this isn't what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about the idea that's crept into our thinking where a 

heap of people who call themselves Christians think that they don't need church and that church doesn't need them.

That's tragic.

We do need you. And you do need church.

The Bible is FULL of stuff about doing this Christian life together - and it knows nothing about doing it alone. Fact is we really need each other.

Your church needs you - because you have gifts - spiritual and regular. And the good news is that you get to share those gifts with your church. Plus, your brothers and sisters are blessed by your presence. Plus you are missed when you aren't there. Plus your pastors worry about you. Read that again - and I promise we spend A LOT of time worrying about you. Plus your friends worry about you. Do they always call? No, not always - and that upsets you. But then, you don't call them, either. So let's not get too picky. 

Also...You need your church. You need to hear the Word preached. You need to be encouraged. You need to remember 'whose you are'. You need to be reminded to bear the family resemblance - and you need feeding so that you can. You need to sing worship to Jesus and be inspired to LIVE worship to Jesus through the week.
There are a squillion reasons TO go to church if you're a Christian.
There are hardly any (aside from a handful of exceptional circumstances) for not going.

So go on... particularly if you've been a bit slack lately - quit making excuses and get back to church this weekend. Not out of guilt - but because you know that God wants the best for you - and He says, 'Do not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing.' That's Hebrews 10:25 by the way.
Steve Wakeford, Associate Minister